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Concordia Style Boutique

Third Way Rising

Third Way Rising

Regular price $34.00 AUD
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Brent is a family physician who is fed up with America’s political corruption and polarization. Encouraged by his wife and kids, he makes a series of videos that go viral and takes his vision for rational politics and a unified America on a one-of-a-kind campaign for the Oval Office.

He learned to appreciate traditionalist values being raised in a happy, conservative Mormon home, but then he left religion behind in favor of learning and progressive new ideas. He wrestles with how to integrate the best values from both worlds in his life and now in his politics. Brent seeks to reconnect with the beauty and wisdom of his Navajo heritage while still claiming the best parts of the science and empiricism he learned in medical school. A fierce humanist and endearingly humble, he longs to see non-binary thinking heal the wounds created by divisive politics.

Leveraging the power of social media, Brent’s tech-savvy daughter helps him share his political vision for a unified middle way. He finds that his message connects with America's frustration with the status quo and rides a wave of untapped political energy into a world he never imagined possible. Their impromptu presidential campaign takes the Nielson family on an unexpected journey into the national spotlight.

The book weaves timely and rational commentary on hot-button issues into a compelling and relatable narrative. It is warm, humorous, and full of unexpected characters. The grassroots campaign explores a creative but realistic path to the presidency for a political outsider and informs the reader as well as it entertains.


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